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Metal D100 DND Dice

Metal D100 dice are also known as Zocchihedron dice, named after their inventor Lou Zocchi. They are spherical dice with 100 tiny faces, each numbered from 1 to 100. They look like miniature golf balls, but they are much heavier and more durable. Metal D100 dice have a satisfying weight and feel in your hand, and they make a satisfying sound when you roll them on the table. They also have a cool aesthetic that adds to the immersion of your game.

Metal D100 dice are perfect for situations where you need to roll a percentage, such as when you cast a spell with a chance of failure, or when you encounter a random event. Instead of rolling two D10s and adding them together, you can just roll one metal D100 and get the result instantly. This saves time and reduces confusion, especially if you have multiple players rolling at the same time.

Metal D100 dice are also great for adding some extra challenge and excitement to your game. Because they have so many faces, they are more prone to rolling extreme results, such as 1 or 100. This means that you can have more critical successes and failures, which can lead to more dramatic and memorable moments in your game. For example, you might roll a 100 and deal a devastating blow to your enemy, or you might roll a 1 and accidentally hit your ally instead.

Metal D100 dice are not for everyone, though. Some players might find them too heavy or too hard to read. Some DMs might prefer to stick to the standard D10s for percentage rolls, or use other methods such as online dice rollers or apps. Metal D100 dice are also more expensive than regular dice, so they might not fit your budget or preference.

But if you’re looking for a way to spice up your D&D game with some metal magic, you might want to give metal D100 dice a try. They are fun, unique, and impressive dice that can make your game more enjoyable and immersive. Just be careful not to lose them or drop them on your foot!


Post time: 04-14-2023